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August 22, 2006, 6:00 P.M.
Kendro Labs, 31 Pecks Lane
Newtown, CT  

Public participation
None noted

Minutes’ approval from 7/25 and 8/8 meetings
Tabled to the next meeting

Old Business

1.      Update on parade plans
Barkman presented the Banners for the float, there would be another Banner with the wording “Partially Funded by Iroquois” she also reported that the t-shirts were ready.

2.      Resolution of Conservation Commission members participation in a 501©(3) organization representing Al’s Trail.  
It was reported that Carl Samuelson would be the person to maintain the trails in town including Al’s Trail, Samuelson is the Newton Parks and Recreation Assistant Director, and would be responsible only for the trail on town property.
Barkman asked this discussion to be tabled to the next meeting.

3.      Report on long~range planning and identification of conservation opportunities we would like to see pursued in the Town.~
Ferguson said that he would be meeting with Wilson sometime during the following week and report back to the Commission by the next meeting.  

4.      Report on unused roads
Hovious reported that he had a long conversation with the Town Engineer, Ronald Bolmer about unused roads and right of ways in town. Bolmer said that there was not an official list kept, he also said developers could upgrade these roads but if they were to become trails, it would have to be approved by the Board of Selectmen. Bolmer said that abandoned roads went back to the property owners and that there was a need for legal research. If developers brought the roads up to town standards, they could put in subdivisions.
5.      OS fund expenditures
Hovious submitted a copy of the expenditures against the bond amounts, given to him by the First Selectman. The list did not include fee in lieu of open space amounts that came from subdivision approvals by the Planning & Zoning Commission.

New Business

1.      Presentation by Rob Sibley on Natural Resource Inventory issues
Sibley presented Plan Memorandum #3 “Conservation & Natural Resources”; he said that the research and inventory had already been done by HMA consulting company. The handbook also included GIS maps and tables. He said there were a few things that could be upgraded.

2.      Improved tax incentives for donation of conservation easements
Ferguson said that some tax incentives for these type donations were only in a 2-year window.

Executive session
To discuss possible acquisition of property
Motion was made and unanimously carried to enter executive session at 7:35 p.m. to discuss possible acquisition of property.